Monday, December 13, 2010

Cedar News: December 13, 2010

This week the Cedars enthusiastically began our first student created picture story problems.
We are branching into larger numbers to work extensively with numbers above ten.  Using presents (ones) and parcels (sets of tens), students create a challenging and interesting problem for their classmates to solve.   and develop place value counting skills.    Students who are adept at counting by 10's and 1's to solve are encouraged to pose and solve problems that involve more complex thinking.
Watch for your Cedar's picture problem on this blog near the end of the week!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cedar News: December 6, 2010

Q: Why didn't the two 4's want any dinner?A: Because they already 8!

This week, our addition, subtraction and probability study continues.   Last week, Cedars worked together to create a chart of basic addition facts to 30 and basic subtraction facts to 18.  These charts will help students see patterns and important relationships between fact families and addition and subtraction.

Whole group and partner games will introduce and support practice of computational strategies, such as counting on and counting backward.  We will also explore the various models for subtraction:  finding differences and comparing sets.

Work at Home this week highlights fact families with the Make a Sum game and the counting back strategy with a number line.  Please support your mathematician by finding time and space to share the home support materials.   Work at Home "toolkits" should come back to me (with any completed work) on Thursday.  I will have new work each Monday.

I wanna know:  How does First In Math work for you?  Please take a moment to add a comment at the end of this post or drop me an email about how the First in Math program is working (or not working) for your Cedar.  Your feedback helps me better meet the needs of all learners.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cedar News: November 29, 2010

Teacher: "Now class, whatever I ask, I want you to all answer at once. How much is six plus 4 ?"
Class: "At once !"

This week, we begin a unit focusing on addition, subtraction and probability.  This unit will support fluency of basic operations and standard notation.  We will develop strategies for solving facts, from counting on and counting backwards to using known facts to solve the unknown.  This unit helps students develop strategies by presenting certain collections of facts in relation to one another rather than random bits of information to be memorized.
This week we will construct a class chart of addition and subtraction facts.  Whole group games will introduce fact families and strategies.   These games will resurface in our first round of Work Places (independent practice).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cedar News: November 15, 2010

 This week we will explore growing patterns and work to identify the "rule" or operation creating the pattern.  We will also explore our base ten system and "trading up" with a Race to 1.00.

Fluency with math, like reading,  takes practice, practice, practice.  
Your mathematician will be bringing a "toolkit" home this week.  This packet contains some information about supporting your mathematician at home and some ideas for practice in everyday home activities.  This packet also contains practice pages and some games for your Swallow to play with you.   

Your Swallow will return his or her Toolkit to me on Thursday with completed work.  Please keep unfinished games/pages for over-the-weekend practice.    I will return the toolkit on Monday with new practice pages and/or games to take home.

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8, 2010

This week we will explore forming 3-digit "house numbers" to meet specific requirements. Students will experiment with numbers to find all possible ways to add three different digits to obtain a given sum.  Careful reading of information and understanding of mathematical language are important to finding appropriate solutions. Using the problem-solving strategies of looking for patterns and establishing an organized list will aid students in finding all the possible solution sets.
  We will visit the computer lab for First In Math where I will introduce a new game focused on skip counting by 1s, 2s, 3s and 5s to add and subtract.

The Cedars received a homework sheet exploring creating the smallest and largest numbers from a given set. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cedar News: October 25-27

This week our mathematician's heads are filled with thoughts of mummies, princesses and bountiful bags of treats!  We are going to use that brain-power this week by creating story problems from our solved equations.  The Cedars will create two story problems from a solved equation and then create an equation by rolling dice and compose an unsolved story problem for their classmates.

We will spend some time in the computer lab for First in Math.  Please share feedback about how this program is working at home, your child's success with it or any questions or comments.

This week we will have goal-setting conferences.  Today your Cedar brought home an Initial PLP that included a check-in about where your child is in relation to grade-level math expectations.  Cedars were given a baseline assessment that covered fundamentals learned in first grade.  We also took a pre-assessment of basic fact fluency to 20.  This is a core benchmark for second grade.
I am yet getting to know your child as a mathematician and will continue to communicate both whole group and one-on-one when necessary of any concerns.  If the Initial PLP indicated that your Cedar will need additional support, you will receive further information at the conferences.
Of course, I would be happy to meet you and talk more about any concerns or questions you may have.
I feel so fortunate to work with you and your kids.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cedar News: October 18-22

We are nearing the end of our playful exploration with algebra and Zero the Hero!  We have been exploring ways of comparing numbers with particular focus on quantity using the symbolic notations for "greater than", "less than" and "equal to."
Last week we began looking at equations with an unknown quantity and the concept of "equality" (both sides of the equation being equal) was introduced.  
This week, we will explore solving equations with unknowns using equality up and down the number line.  We will end this week creating equations and writing a story problem to go with it.

Tile Math:    Last week, I introduced the first packet for tile math.  This is a self-correcting Suduko-like puzzle that uses the numbers 0-9 once each in a given set of equations.  Tile Math provides students with practice visualizing operations, problem-solving, and mental math.  Students will move through packets at their own rate and each packet is sequentially more of a challenge.  The initial packets have one unknown for each set of equations.  The next packet has some problems with two unknowns.  These are great "home support" because they are self-correcting.  Please let me know if you and your Cedar would like a set fro home.    We will be sharing more about support at home during Goal Setting Conferences.

First In Math:  The Cedar's are on fire in First In Math!  Congratulations Connor, Kylee and Sydney for completing Skill Set 1.    I know that not all Cedars have time and/or access to a computer outside of school.  We will spend at least 20 minutes a week in the computer lab for the next several weeks.  Sometimes I will have a First In Math assignment (a skill-check).

Please feel free to contact me with questions or comments.  Check out new additions to Support at Home!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cedar News: October 4-8

We are now deeper into our algebra study.  Last week we discussed two and three digit numbers.  We played a dice sum game, composing the largest, then smallest numbers.    We compared numbers using symbolic notation:  greater than <, less than  > and equal =.
We explored decomposing numbers by their place value using base-ten pieces.  

This week we will explore the number line through interactive addition and subtraction stories recorded with number sentences.   We will use the number lines and solve equations with a missing variable and operation to make both sides of the equation equal-- ALGEBRA!

Today I introduced an online skill practice program called First In Math.

A description from the program's site:   It delivers fluency in basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, while advancing higher-order thinking skills such as mental math, problem solving, pattern sensing, reasoning and number sense.
The program employs a sequential approach to learning; students start on "easier" material and work through more challenging content. Every module includes positive feedback to boost confidence—students experience the satisfaction of knowing they are gaining speed and accuracy and are becoming ‘good in math’!
For more information:

We will spend time in our computer lab twice this week.  We will take a basic fact assessment and then begin on the first skill set of games.

I will be sending copies of student's user ID cards home in case students want to play at home too.  During goal setting later this month, we will discuss using First in Math for "Work at Home" support.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Last Week in the Cedar Classroom..

  Last week we started a new mathematics unit focused on algebraic thinking.  Although algebra has been considered a subject for upper grades, the work we are doing now builds a solid foundation for later years.  Research shows that introducing very young students to algebraic ideas sets the stage for later success!

  We began with a discussion about the number zero.  The students shared their ideas about zero and raised questions they have about zero.  Tonight, your child will ask you what you know about zero.  After you share an idea or two, ask them what they know or wonder about zero.  Tomorrow, the students will share the ideas from their families, and we will add any new information to our class charts, “ Our Ideas About Zero” and “What We Wonder About Zero.”
   Over the next few weeks, our math work will focus on the important role of zero in our base ten number system as well as some of the special properties of zero.  For example, they will learn that any number plus zero is equal to that number (0+n=n) and n+0=N), known formally as the Identity Property of Addition.
   We will also compare numbers and use number lines for addition and subtraction problems.  The students will solve problems with an “unknown” and use the notation for equations and inequalities.  Computational strategies will also be introduced.
    Be sure to ask your child what we are doing in class and please come into our classroom to read our charts and check the “What We Learned” chart for additional updates.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 22-25....the SHAPE of things to come...

We began our study of geometry with a story and exploration of the tangram puzzle. Last week, we learned about 3-dimensional shapes and their faces, edges and corners (vertices). We explored tessellation during a students-vs-teacher game (I won...and I never win against the Cedars :). This week, we will explore fractions (1/2, 1/6, 1/3 and equivalency and addition of) and the idea of "area" in a whole group game. We will continue to look at the relationships between shapes and properties of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
Later in the week, we will use geoboards to explore the properties of triangles.

Monday, January 18, 2010

This week, the Cedars will review the territory covered over the last week-- standard notation for addition and subtraction, creating class addition and subtraction charts to build fluency of facts and the strategies of counting on and counting backwards. We will begin the week learning and playing a game that will provide practice with many of the combinations for a target number. Make The Sum is a game that can be played with a standard deck of cards to practice any set of facts (addition, subtraction or even multiplication). Watch for "Work at Home" this Thursday which includes the directions for this game.

This week the Cedars will be excitedly welcoming back "Work Places." These are independent "centers" that allow students opportunity to practice the skill and concepts learned whole group. The choice-element is motivational. Mid-week, students will begin a set of Work Places designed to reinforce the strategies of counting on, counting backwards, subtraction as comparision of sets and fact families for addition and subtraction. Work Places also provide opportunity for assessment.

Work at Home from last week is requested back on Tuesday. I will look at it and respond, then hand it back. Homework goes out again on Thursday, the 21st. This should come back on Monday, the 25th.

Listen to this: January 23rd is Measure Your Feet Day. What is this? Well, it's a day to measure your feet. At this point, we stop and ask ourselves...why? We pondered this question for a while. Then, we decided it was best not to even speculate.

Celebrate today by measuring your feet. Both of them. Measure the length. Then, measure the width. Then measure each family member's feet. Record the data (biggest to smallest or smallest to biggest) and have your Cedar bring it back in to class on the 25th (that is next Monday). We will combine and examine.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Greetings Mathematicians and Family!

Happy 2nd week of January!
This week, we dive deeply into our study of addition and subtraction. We will continue to review how to express addition and subtraction in numbers and symbols, as well as learn and apply a variety of strategies.
Class constructed addition and subtraction charts provide opportunity to reflect on patterns and see relationships between operations and fact families.
We will begin our week assessing fluency of addition and subtraction facts. Several game-like lessons will help students practice addition and subtraction strategies, record data on a graph and use experimental data to predict probability.

Watch for WORK AT HOME envelopes on Thursday, January 14th. This Home Connection reinforces work in class and it is fun! Please return on Tuesday, January 19th. (No school Monday:)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why didn't I think of this sooner....

I am so excited to introduce the Cedars’ Corner: a blog to let you know what your mathematician is studying in class, work-at –home assignments and due dates and additional ways to support a love of math at home.

Our blog will be updated weekly with information about assignments and snapshots of our class time together. Come for the pictures and stay for the information!

WORK AT HOME: Watch for a bright orange, large envelope titled, “Mathematician ___________________’s Work at Home.” This will contain home connections (additional practice or extensions of class content), unfinished class work and/or important correspondence sent home. All work sent in this envelope should come back to class by the included “return by” date (on the top of the assignment).

I realize and support the fact that each family views and values homework differently and has schedules that accommodate various formats of “homework.”

The Home Connections give families opportunity to see and share in the math that their child is doing in class. And because the work sent home often includes games, it is an opportunity to play together.

Sometimes a student just needs additional time to complete an assignment. I will make every effort to provide that time during class. We are only together 4 days a week so work occasionally must be completed at home. If this happens, I will be sure to let you know by email too that class work is coming home.


This Week…..

We will begin a new unit about adding and subtracting. This unit helps students understand how the basic operations work and reviews standard notation. It also helps children discover which of the basic addition and subtraction facts they already know and how they can build on them. Strategies for solving facts are developed, from counting on and counting backwards to using known facts to solve the unknown.

There will be repetition and practice for students for whom very little about addition and subtraction is easy and there will be probability challenges for students who already know most of their facts and strategies (counting on, counting backwards, 10’s and run-away 1’s, doubles, neighbors, halves, and add 9’s).