This Week…..
We will begin a new unit about adding and subtracting. This unit helps students understand how the basic operations work and reviews standard notation. It also helps children discover which of the basic addition and subtraction facts they already know and how they can build on them. Strategies for solving facts are developed, from counting on and counting backwards to using known facts to solve the unknown.
There will be repetition and practice for students for whom very little about addition and subtraction is easy and there will be probability challenges for students who already know most of their facts and strategies (counting on, counting backwards, 10’s and run-away 1’s, doubles, neighbors, halves, and add 9’s).
Love the blog Rachel. Its so nice to see pictures of the kids "playing" with math and getting a better understanding of how they are learning math outside of just adding and substracting. Looks like they have some neat tools to use!